Commission Work

Commission me to draw or paint your loved one, pet, favorite landscape!


You can hire me to live paint at your wedding or commission me for a friend as a wedding gift!


Whether it be family members, pet, a landscape, or you want me to live paint at your wedding. I can draw it or paint it! I can also draw caricatures of loved ones, pets and any requested celebrity. These drawings make great gifts for people!

- contact me via. Email, text message or instagram DM,

-what you would like me to draw or paint while providing a picture 

-Leave me your name and number and I'll get back to you


  • Commissioned portrait starts at $200 for a '8 1/2 by 11', can vary depending on requested size, preferred media and style
  • Commissioned landscape art starts at $250 for a '8 1/2 by 11', can vary depending on requested size, preferred media and style
  • Live Wedding painting starts at $600 for 2 live paintings, standard sized

*Prices are not final, and can be discussed when you contact me below

Contact information

Email Address:

Phone Number: 920 217 5532


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